

Anubi the wolf-man!

Anubi released with the Dinosaur (below).

Pale Head:
Anubi is found with either a pale head (seen below) or a dark head (seen above). In my experience it is more common to see pale-headed Anubi figures, so I will consider the dark head to be more rare. It should also be kept in mind that the Galaxy Fighter version of Anubi had a lighter head color as well. As to whether or not a pale head always denotes a "version two" figure, I can not say for certain. I have seen version one figures with dark heads and pale heads. A pale-head Anubi is pictured below, along with its leg stamp denoting what I call a "version one" figure. (For more information about the differences between version one and version two Galaxy Warriors, see What are the Galaxy Warriors?)
    As far as I know all dark-headed Anubi's are version one figures, and if the dark paint is rubbed off the head, then the head with have the pale color seen below.

Anubi Pics:


  1. Woolworth carded Anubi. Looks like they cut the price out though. It's hard to tell from the pic but that one kinda looks like it's not either pale or dark headed so figured you'd think that was interesting.

  2. A very interesting picture of Anubi. The head is definitely lighter than the Dark Head version, but it looks like it isn't as "bleached out" as some Light Headed versions tend to be. Maybe this one has been kept out of direct sunlight, and not suffered as much fading, or maybe the yellowing blister card bubble is making the figure look darker. Either way its a nice figure. Thanks for sharing !

  3. Hey John! I can confirm there is a 3rd variant of Anubi now with a head colour pretty much the same as the body as I've picked one up now. It's painted like the dark head version and is the 1st Anubi I've seen with the alternate gauntlets and boots. I put some pics up of it, and ones next to the other 2 to show the difference.
